You know, Ben. He founded this business in 2014 and named it after his wife – that Ben. Based in Toowoomba and building up the Brisbane office, Ben is a leader of the Financial Planning industry. He loves golf but is known to excuse himself as soon as one of his many daughters ask for help (sorry, Murray).
You may know him as an Authorised Representative, who is absolutely committed to his clients’ financial and whole wellbeing. But allow me to describe the cheeky and hardworking Ben we all love to work with…
Born a Blues supporter, Ben grew up mostly in Brisbane. Fishing, camping and always passionate about his soccer, athletics and basketball, Ben went to Christian Outreach College (Citipointe). You see, the golfing is a later obsession.
Enter Joy – suddenly, Ben’s focus changed from U.S. College Basketball to putting down roots. He graduated from Queensland University of Technology to teach high school P.E. and Science for almost ten years. Happily, he then entered the Financial Planning world. Ben and Joy now have seven daughters, have lived across postcodes in Toowoomba and Brisbane, and fill a row at Salisbury Baptist Church.
Never one to leave something half-complete, Ben’s commitment to JEM Wealth’s clients and the future of this company is astounding. He is currently building up the JEM Brisbane office and team, enjoying the growth and change. And we are all on board with his vision of service.
A committed boss, a compassionate advisor, and a good friend – this is Ben.
Schedule a Call with us – we would love to meet you! Meet the rest of the team here.
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